
Searching for the perfect venue can be tiresome. In addition to knowing the size, cost, and décor capabilities, you’ll want to know what environment or atmosphere will best fit your event.

In your search for a creative event space, you may want to consider holding your event in a winery.

Wineries are a wonderful summertime and early fall venue choice. Many have great cellars that you can hold part of your event in or beautiful terraces to enjoy a peaceful night. Not only does a winery give you spectacular views, it makes your drink choice obvious!

But don’t think wineries are just for the wine, enjoy a peaceful atmosphere where guests can wander around the property. This venue can work for cocktail parties, corporate events and more. The options are endless.

Keep your event simple, and let the scenery speak for itself.

Although wineries are a great fit for a wide variety of events, consider using this venue space for the following event themes:

  • Wine and cheese fundraiser
  • Romantic Wedding

  • Halloween parties (think of the opportunities for scare factors out in the vineyard)
  • Team building exercises
  • Paint and wine night

  • Women who “wine”
  • Sommelier expert and chocolate pairing social
  • Chef competition

  • French themed dinner


Photo Credit: Jay Wennington

  • 1920s event
  • Corporate Picnic

Photo credit: Gregory Bourolias

No matter the theme or event, a winery is a surprisingly refreshing venue choice! Next time you are planning an event think about the benefits of using a local winery and enjoy the views, fresh air and grapes!

Fall is finally here! Which means we can start thinking about all the great Holidays this season. It means football, changing leaves and warm sweaters.

Fall is a great time for events, and centerpieces don’t have to be extravagant to get your guests attention. So we came up with a list! Here are 7 centerpieces that are simple and classic!

1) This rustic centerpiece is chic and simple! Use a lantern as your main piece with a warm candle and some accents around it to light up your table.

Photo Source: Women’s Day

2) Create a centerpiece with soft-hued pumpkins to subtly draw in the guest’s eye. Add a little sparkle to make it pop!

Photo Source: Women’s Day

3) Get inspiration from your local apple orchard for this centerpiece! Lay down some eucalyptus and candles of different sizes to add volume to the table.

Photo Source: Country Living

4) For a simple project, go to a craft store and create your own centerpiece with only a few items. Incorporate your event’s color scheme with different leaves and string. Accompany with a scent that fits in well!

 Photo Source: Women’s Day

5) Make your centerpiece edible! Gather some fruits and nuts in a hue of your choice and gather your guests around. Not only does it look good, but tastes great too!

 Photo Source: Country Living

6) Add a pop of color to your centerpiece! This easy to do project will brighten up any table and make guests feel warm and welcome.

 Photo source: Women’s Day

7) Put a twist on wild wheat with this centerpiece! Add color to an ordinarily bland décor.

 Photo Source: Elle

These centerpieces are simple and easy to do, and can accompany almost any fall event. From a small dinner party to a large wedding, put your own unique spin on them, and let them speak for themselves!

Vendors play a big role in what we do as event planners. Without them there would not be a complete event. Because of this we like to take time and highlight some of our favorites.

So this week we’d like to highlight Crème Cupcake. Cupcakes with a twist are what this Midwest cupcake company offers – a cupcake store that pairs drinks and cocktails with specific cupcake flavors during their happy hour.

Being a fellow Entrepreneur, we sat down with the owner of Crème Cupcake, Christina Moffatt. We asked her to share some defining moments in her career and how she became the successful business woman that she is. See what we were able to find out:

After working for 10 years in corporate U.S.A., Christina decided she was tired of seeing people with no happiness in their day. Her mission became to find what makes people happy. The answer, she discovered, was cupcakes and dessert.

A baker since she could hold a measuring spoon, Christina combined her culinary skills with her management and marketing experience to create Crème Cupcake + Dessert, which expanded from a home-operated bakery to a commercial kitchen in less than a year.In May of 2015, Christina partnered to take the dessert lounge concept nationally through franchise agreements.

1. What was the defining moment when you made the decision to go into business for yourself? When I booked 1000 cupcakes for the Bravo Gala I realized this could be a full time career.

2. Did you work another job and run your business at the same time? I worked full time for 6 months while I built my business on the side.

3. If so, at what point did you decide to quit working for someone else and work on your business? After I booked the 1000 cupcakes for Bravo Gala, I ran cash flow projections to figure what I needed to produce every month to cover all my expenses and pay myself.

4. Can you give us a small idea of how that decision changed your business? It became serious with marketing plans, networking with right client/ referrals and thinking as a business rather than a hobby

5. What are some of the most important decisions or aha’s you’ve had in opening a business? You have to use tools and peoples expertise that are available to you. You can’t do everything or you’ll do it all poorly.

6. What are some really surprising things you’ve learned about having your own business that you would have never guessed before starting your business? Something is always going to break or you’ll have an unexpected expense so you have to manage your cash flow wisely.

7. At what point did you finally decide to hire your first employee? And how has that advanced your business? When my days were topping to 18-hour days I knew I couldn’t keep going at that pace. I also had a wise mentor named Tracy Fuller tell me “Be happy where you are with your business or hire people so you can grow”

8. Are there any tips or trips you would like meeting and event planners to know when working with you to get the best outcome for their event? I love Planners! They are a great referral source for us! The more precise on delivery time, directions in the building of where to set up down to the table being labeled is awesome. Saves us time from butting in to their day to ask questions.

Want to know more about Christina and Crème Cupcake? Follow them on Twitter @cremecupcakedsm

It’s summer, which means you probably have a calendar full of weddings to attend this season! The wedding industry is always changing, so we put a list together of the hottest wedding trends in 2016.

Be on the lookout for these trends:

  • Two for one dress: More and more dresses these days are being made convertible. Go from formal to party with one motion!
  • Midnight snack: Weddings go late and what’s more appetizing than a midnight snack?! Mini burgers and dessert bars are becoming increasingly popular as an after hour snack!
  • Metallics: This material is all the rage for weddings! Dress it up or down and use it in almost any piece throughout the wedding, from invitations to dresses to the dining room!
  • Mix up the centerpieces: Gone are the days of the exact same tables. Use this as an advantage and be creative in what you choose for each table.
  • Signature cocktails: The bride and groom show off their personalities by each offering their own personal cocktail concoction. Although a little pricy, this detail shows guests a more intimate connection.
  • Weddings are evolving every year and getting more personalized and detailed. We can’t wait to see what next year brings!

Let us know what you see at your weddings this year and comment if you are seeing any new trends!

Engaging in conversation can be somewhat of a sport: listening to others ideas, collaborating, discussing deep subjects. It is something I love to do and find it to be essential to my wellbeing and the health of my mental state. I have learned to enjoy networking and find the new ideas and meeting new people fascinating. During various conversations I learn new things about the other person as well as myself with each and every encounter.

As an entrepreneur and with any social career where you find yourself interacting with others, conversations are bound to happen. Some discussions can lead to career advancement, building relationships within your business community, or just creating a valuable connection or future friendship. Therefore, it is something that cannot be ignored in most instances.

Conversing doesn’t always come easy, but I have found that applying the following tips in my conversations can help get the ball rolling:

1. When introducing yourself, use both your first and last names

When you meet someone for the first time, use both your first and last name. I know there are tendencies to use first names only if the other person does, but sometimes your last name can be a conversation starter or help others recognize what they have heard about you and your business from others. If this is all positive conversation, this will add instant credibility to your conversation. I like to say what company I am with as well. Sometimes others may have heard of your company only, so it’s a great way to put a face with the name.

2. Mirror body language

If the person you are talking to is standing with their arms crossed, cross your arms. Exchange a few sentences and then uncross your arms, see if they do the same. Subconsciously we follow each other’s body language and maybe you can encourage them to open up. If not, offer a pleasant ‘nice to meet you’ and move on to the next person or group. If they don’t open up maybe someone forced them to attend this event and they are just not in the mood to share.

3. Focus on others first

I find it fun to play a little game and watch the conversation. I ask the person I am speaking to what they do for a living, wait for the answer and see if they ask me. If not, I move on to the next subject and ask another question. I am waiting to see if and when they will ask about what I do, about my family, or something to engage the conversation both ways.

4. If you listen, they will think you are smart

The person conceived as the smartest person in the room is the one that is the best at listening, weighing the conversation, and then speaking. Be a great listener and you will project the interest that others are seeking to have fulfilled.

5. Put away the cell phone

This shouldn’t have to be said but a cell phone in your hand that you check often lets the other person know that they fall second to whoever or whatever is on your phone. Turn off the ringer, put it in your purse or pocket, and have a real conversation that you are engaged in with the person standing right in front of you.

6. Don’t interrupt with ideas

I know you may have that great idea that just came to your brain that has to do with what the other person is talking about and if you don’t blurt it out it might disappear. Hold that thought! Literally. Give the person speaking the opportunity to finish their thought before you give them that really awesome idea that will save the world.

7. Know when to dig deeper

Sometimes a person needs to talk things out, so know how to ask questions that keep them talking. Make sure the conversation stays positive and keep asking those questions that can’t be answered with Yes or No. Encourage them to talk through the issue and keep your eyes open for what is really being said. Remove the emotions. This will lead to more productive outcomes for everyone involved.

8. Know when to stop digging

I’m not talking spouses or family members here. We all know how to push buttons of those that are closest to us, but for casual conversation if the content becomes negative, change the subject. If the conversation continues to be negative, politely excuse yourself and find someone else to engage. We all know that person that loves to have toxic conversation all the time!

9. Focus on the person you’re in conversation with

No eye darting, nodding to others, etc. There is no better way of making someone feel insignificant than you looking for your next target for conversation while talking to them.

10. Look into their eyes

When being really engaged with someone, look into their eyes or at least at their face when speaking with them. I know this is a no-brainer, but sometimes it is hard to do. Make sure you are not looking at body parts that make the other person uncomfortable.

11. Open yourself up to others

When networking, don’t stand in the corner with your arms crossed and a scowl on your face. Smile, drop your arms to your side, and stand flat on your feet. This is a power position and an invitation for others to approach you. You never know who your next client is going to be!

Next time you are out networking use these tips and you will converse like a pro!

Event planning is stressful. This is a well-known fact. CareerCast lists event planning as the fifth most stressful job in the United States in 2016. The role of an event coordinator falls directly below Military Personnel, Fire Fighters, Airline Pilots, and Police Officers. Wow! Now, I agree that events are stressful; after an event, I often feel like I’ve been hit by a truck, but I wonder if event coordinators actually deserve that high of a ranking.

You might be wondering what makes event coordinators rank so high on the scale of stress. Well if you can imagine, keeping a crowd of 500-500,000 people happy might cause a bit of that stress, or all of it.

As coordinators and planners, we deal with budgets, tight timeframes, satisfying human comforts, food allergies, hot and cold rooms, transportation issues, talent hiring, and the list goes on and on. Of course we are stressed! To top it off, we have to plaster a smile on our faces as if we don’t have a care in the world.

I put together a list of 10 customer service skill to help you pull off that “not a care in the world, and you are my only concern in the world” attitude:

1. You were born with 2 ears and 1 mouth

Were you ever told this growing up? Well it turns out that it is a skill set worth knowing – more so than your times tables. Listening is a lost art. Every event planner needs to be a pro at listening to what their client wants to achieve, how they want the event to lay out, and the ultimate goals of the overall event.

It has also been said that if you listen and keep quiet, people will think you’re the smartest person in the room. So, stop talking for the sake of hearing yourself talk and try active listening to get those clients to love you.

2. Be organized!

How is this a customer service skill? Well as the planner, you are in charge of the details and keeping your clients on track for a successful event. Knowing your timelines and having important information available at your fingertips will give your client confidence. It will also help keep them relaxed and reduce their stress.

3. A CAN DO personality

It can be tricky to change a client from a bad idea or idea that doesn’t work to a great event-saving idea. Because “NO” is not in our vocabulary when working with our clients, we have chosen phrases like “That’s an idea, but what about this?” or “I wonder if this wouldn’t work better.” We also give them reasons WHY we feel an idea has merit and what the difference might be.

4. Great negotiation skills

Clients hire you because you have the know-how to work with vendors and get the best pricing available. Understanding what needs to be in the program, working with your vendors to cut the fat and deliver what is need on the event, and helping your client by developing your vendor team are all great customer service skills. Don’t forget that treating your vendors like customers will go a long way in relationship building as well.

5. Radiate energy

Okay, nobody like a lazy, tired, less-than-enthusiastic event planner. You’re in the best industry out there, so don’t be surprised that there are thousands of people ready and willing to replace you. Get that cup of coffee and do your jumping jacks before you greet your client – whatever it takes to pump up your energy levels. Upbeat and energetic attitudes go a long way at an event.

6. Be a super-secret problem solver

Keeping your eyes and ears open and having cat-like reflexes to watch for any impending problems is what you do as an event planner. You are agile, quick, and smart as a whip; nothing gets by you! Solving problems before they become apparent or before you need to inform the client makes the event feel stress-free for your clients.

7. OK TEAM, it’s go time

Having the ability to gather people, delegate, and send the right players in are all the elements of being a great coach. Getting people to achieve tasks effectively and efficiently along with being thrilled to help you out are skills every event planner should have in their back pocket. So get out those playbooks and SCORE a great event!

8. Skin like an armadillo

Armadillos have a tough outer layer of skin and can curl themselves into balls, leaving no soft tissues exposed. Therefore, things can roll right off their back. Nothing negative can get through that tough skin to throw them off their game.Be like an armadillo by developing tough skin and protecting your “soft tissue” so you can’t get thrown off your game. The event world is fast-paced with live action and not everything is going to go right every time… develop your outer armor!

9. Bounce back quickly

Your clients are counting on your ability to do this. If something happens to go wrong, stay calm, cool, and collected – even when you want to run away screaming down the hall and out the door to never be seen again. Your clients expect you to remain calm so they know that you have it all under control. This enables them to stay calm in return. Remembering to take deep breaths and give yourself a moment to think will produce better results than losing your cool.

10. SMILE!

Yep, this simple act is the best way to do almost anything in your life; the event world is no exception. Having a smile on your face even when you’re clenching your teeth will make your life easier. It will also keep your vendors and clients feeling happy. This is probably the best way to make things happen. It’s really hard to be rude to someone from the hotel staff if you’re smiling when asking them to bring you a ladder, turn down the heat, or a myriad of other things you will need done to make the event comfortable for your attendees.

Remember, you have the best job ever! Not everyone gets to play in the event world like you do. Keep that smile on your face and hone your customer service skills. This will keep your clients coming back to you year after year to plan their amazing events.

In this TED video ‘Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are’, social scientist Amy Cuddy examines not only how your body language affects how others perceive you, but how you see yourself. Simply by changing your posture or stance, chemical levels of cortisol and testosterone in the brain can change. These changes may have an impact on our chances for success.

When defining communication people often think of words and content, but nonverbal communication or interactions are extremely important as well. Do you ever take a second and realize what nonverbal behaviors you are portraying? Next time you are in an important meeting with powerful people, watch as they tend to take up space and show their power.

Next time you are in a situation, whether that be in a meeting or an event, watch closely how you portray yourself to others. Open yourself up, physically. This shows comfort and confidence which will make yourself feel better and in the end have your meeting or event go better.

Amy suggest trying these power poses to make yourself feel better. Fake it until you become it! Portray confidence until one day you just are no longer pretending. She says it is the presence that you bring, not necessarily the content that will make the difference.

To learn more click the link and watch!

Theming your event can help pull everything together from the décor to the music and the overall feel for the room. One item that gets overlooked when theming an event is the food. Whether you decide to theme the food or not, make sure you have something everyone will enjoy. Before you take it too far, make sure you maintain the quality of the food and don’t make it so far out that guests don’t even try it. For fun we put together a list, here are 5 crazy food displays for your next themed event!

1) Rainbow Grilled Cheese:

Stuck in a rut with your sandwiches? Not anymore with this insanely awesome rainbow grilled cheese! Have this for a candy land theme party or try it out with a princess event. The possibilities and colors are endless!

Photo source

2) Stadium platter:

Amaze your friends and family at your next tailgate or super bowl party with this ridiculous stadium platter! People will be talking about it all year long.

Photo source

3) Watermelon Shark:

Make healthy eating fun for any age! Enjoy this usually average fruit at an aquarium or nautical themed event. For extra fun throw in some candy fish!

Photo source

4) Vegas Baby!:

People love Vegas, but don’t let your attendees fly all the way there! Bring the party to them with a deck of cards desserts and jello dice! They will be so swept up they’ll think it was the real deal.

Photo source

5) Tea Party:

Think Alice in Wonderland with mini desserts at your next tea party! You will have your guests charmed at this magical theme!

Photo source

Don’t forget about food in your theme! Have a little fun with it and be creative. If you are stuck in a rut about theme ideas check out our page to give you a little inspiration!

AND for a little extra craziness think about a Bloody Mary bar for a brunch event! (Ok maybe this is a little overboard).

Photo source

Lighting is one of the best elements to set the mood for your event. By changing the lighting in the room and taking out the florescent lights, you create the color, mood, and direct the audience’s attention to where you want.

Here are 5 techniques to set the mood with lighting:

1) Use uplighting around the room

Removing the florescent lighting in the room and replacing it with uplights around the wall or on the architectural elements in the room will create a dramatic and more creative look.

Imagine walking into a room washed in blue up-lights with your winter event, or a room glowing with red up-lighting with your Fire and Ice event. What if you changed the up-lighting on the walls depending on the timing of the programing? Say your event is Fire and Ice and you start with red lighting and move it to blue during the evening to signify the change from Fire to Ice. You will want to play with the colors and your theme to see what works best.

2). Use a Gobo for added decor

A gobo is a piece of metal that fits into a lighting instrument that has a negative cut of a logo or names. They also come in color and made of glass for more intricate designs or multicolor logos.

For large walls or lighting on the dance floor these make a wonderful impact and can help your theming or your branding of the event

3). Use a projector for lighting

Projectors are now being used for lighting and at times might be more economical than lighting. This is also a wonderful way to create a look of moving objects or changing looks on a large wall.Imagine covering a large ugly wall with moving snowflakes for a holiday show. This will save the cost of the drapery and labor to put it up.

4). Set the stage with lighting

Use lighting to direct your audiences’ attention to different areas in the room. Say you have a large new product you want to reveal and you have it hidden behind drapery until the big reveal. When the timing is right, the stage goes dark and the lighting all moves to direct everyone’s attention to the new product and the drape drops. This is a jaw dropping moment at events.

You will also want to use lighting on stage to highlight your speakers, especially if you are videotaping.

5). Pin spot lighting for your centerpieces

You’ve spent lots of time and money on those amazing centerpieces and you’ve removed all the overhead lighting and replaced it with up lighting around the room. You don’t want to loss the drama of the centerpieces when people enter the room or when they are at the tables for dinner.

Adding pin lighting, either from the ceiling and lighting each table centerpiece or lighting the centerpiece from below, will certainly add the element of drama you are looking for.

Lighting can drastically change the mood of your event, nothing is worse than a space with fluorescent lighting that flatters no one. Be creative with your light, and change the way the room feels.

When theming gets personal

As an event pro, it’s always hard to plan your own event, or it is for me. Knowing all of the possibilities for planning and with tons of great ideas racing through my mind, it is hard to choose just one idea to stick with.

Over the holidays, my family had the opportunity to plan my daughter’s gender reveal party. Of course we were all excited to learn the gender of this “coming soon” attraction, but I’m not sure anyone’s excitement level could match mine; this is my first grand baby after all!

We started with one of the items my daughter loves to collect – owls –  and the nursery theme she and her husband have chosen. The theme for this event happened to be enchanted forest.

Our event happened on Christmas Eve; a busy time of year, but the only time we could get all of her friends in the same place for any amount of time. Instead of making this a “party” we went with an afternoon event and offered a little beer and wine, fun finger foods, and amazing owl-shaped cookies in pink and blue!

 Owl-shaped cookies by You Bake Me Happy

When guests arrived, the first thing they did was choose either a pink or blue owl based on their best guess at the gender of the baby. They were also instructed to write a note for the parents or baby and hang it on the Christmas tree.

I created a display using cute little owls printed and cut out, then attached to a small limb from one of our trees outside. I hung the limb on the wall and placed the little pink and blue owls all along the limb. I added some small birds and LED battery operated star lights to add a bit of twinkle.

I’ve never been a traditionalist when it came to Christmas décor for trees and this year was no different. However, it was also our first year ever for an artificial tree and I went with white. It seemed fitting for a tree decorated with baby gear.  Pacifiers, socks, bibs and stuffed toys were used as ornaments and small woodland animals placed around the base of the tree and hanging throughout the tree made sure our theme was complete.

Our food selections included rolls folded as diapers, mini cocktail wieners with little diapers, cucumber sandwiches and other fun bite-sized treats. I was able to find both pink and blue sodas and added those for beverages. Pink and blue punch served out of baby bottles would have been cute as well.

 Bite-sized treats